![]() Prof. Whittingham named WAC Honorary Member![]()
Prof. M. Stanley Whittingham has been recently named by the Council as Honorary Member of the World Academy of Ceramics.
The Induction Ceremony will take place during the Plenary Session of CMCEE 14 in Budapest, on August 19, 2024. 20th Election to WACThe election procedures of the 20th Election to the World Academy of Ceramics have been recently completed. The following 17 new Academicians have been approved by the Council on September 4, 2023 on proposal of the International Advisory Board following the screening procedures of the Nomination Committee: CLASS "SCIENCE"![]() Hungary ![]() India ![]() USA ![]() USA ![]() China ![]() Japan ![]() Israel ![]() Taiwan ![]() China ![]() USA ![]() USA ![]() Poland ![]() USA ![]() China ![]() AUSTRALIA CLASS "INDUSTRY & INNOVATION"![]() USA ![]() Korea The new Academicians will be presented and awarded with the WAC Diploma during the Plenary Session of CMCEE 14 in Budapest, on August 19, 2024.. OBITUARY![]()
Prof. K. Byrappa (Byron), the former Vice-Chancellor of the Mangalore University and a well-known ceramicist, passed away after he suffered a stroke at the Bangalore airport in India on July 31, 2023. He was an Academician of the World Academy of Science and an active volunteer of the global ceramic community. Prof. Byrappa made long-lasting contributions to chemical processing of carbon and oxide materials. He received the Lifetime Achievement Award from International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association (ISHA), Japan in recognition of his seminal scientific contributions. With 500 research publications and 10 edited books, he was a renowned academician and researcher of international repute. He was an Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), London; Asia Pacific Academy of Materials, Japan, Fellow of Karnataka Science & Technology Academy; and Fellow of many other Indian Academies. He has received several awards like Dr. Raja Ramanna Award for Science and Technology (2011), the highest state award from Karnataka Government, Sir C.V. Raman Award in Physical Sciences (1998), from Govt. of Karnataka, Materials Research Society of India Medal (2004), and Golden Jubilee Awards twice during 1987 and 1992 for best research work in the University of Mysore. He was awarded Sir C.V. Raman Birth Centenary Award for the year 2016-17 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India in recognition of his contribution to Science and Technology in India. He is survived by wife and two sons.
Dale Edward Niesz was born in Canton, Ohio January 3, 1939 to Roy and Effie Niesz. He is survived by his wife Janice, daughters Linda Loscalzo (Robert) of Wading River, New York, and Lorie Brighton (Charles) of Mercer Island, Washington. Also survived by grandchildren Michael, Annie and Emma Loscalzo and Beau and Ryan Brighton.
He is a graduate of The Ohio State University College of Engineering B.S. M.S. and Ph.D. all in Ceramic Engineering and was named a Distinguished Life Member of the College in 2007. He was a member of The Ohio State University football team from 1957- 1960. He joined Battelle Memorial Institute in 1965, where he worked as a Research Engineer and Manager of materials engineering. In 1987 he joined Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, as a professor and in 1988 was named Director of the Center for Ceramic Research. In 1994 he was named Chair of the Department of Ceramic and Materials Engineering. He retired in 2004. He was President of the American Ceramic Society in 1997-98 and is a Fellow and Distinguished Life Member of the Society. He was President and is a Fellow of the National Institute of Ceramic Engineers, a Charter Member and Past President of the International Ceramic Federation, and is an elected member of the International Academy of Ceramics. During his career he presented over 100 technical papers, many in other countries, including Australia, Brazil, China, Japan and several European countries. In his retirement he returned to his native state of Ohio and was active in the retirement group, the Senior Associates. He enjoyed time at the family cabin at Seneca Lake, watching his beloved Buckeyes, traveling and visiting his children and grandchildren. 19th Election to WACThe election procedures of the 19th Election to the World Academy of Ceramics have been recently completed. The following 16 new Academicians have been approved by the Council on August 11, 2021 on proposal of the International Advisory Board following the screening procedures of the Nomination Committee: CLASS "SCIENCE"![]() Hungary ![]() USA ![]() USA ![]() USA ![]() Germany ![]() USA ![]() Slovenia ![]() Brazil ![]() China ![]() Japan ![]() Japan ![]() India ![]() USA ![]() China CLASS "INDUSTRY & INNOVATION"![]() USA ![]() Japan The new Academicians will be presented and awarded with the WAC Diploma during the Inaugural Session of the 15th International Ceramics Congress of CIMTEC 2022, to be held in Montecatini Terme, Italy, on June 21, 2022. OBITUARY![]()
Dr. Keith Reeve, an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, passed away in December 2021.
Keith completed his BSc Hons and MSc at the University of Tasmania and completed his Ph.D. at the University of Leeds in 1954. Keith joined the AAEC (now ANSTO) in 1958 and worked on nuclear ceramics. In 1978 he looked at immobilising nuclear waste in ceramics and his interest led to contact with Professor Ringwood at Australian National University. There began the Synroc project. By placing radioactive waste into the synroc, a ceramic, it provides a stable material for long term storage of high-level nuclear waste. The work is continuing at ANSTO where the technology is about to be realised to treat the by-products from ANSTO’s radiopharmaceutical production. Keith was the leader who successfully obtained several millions from successive Governments for Synroc research from both sides of politics. In 1987 ANSTO initiated advanced ceramics and Keith was the Manager of this project. There were more than 60 staff working under him. Both in Synroc and Advanced ceramics. His work resulted in many publications and overseas visits to plan collaboration on Synroc and advanced ceramics. Keith retired officially in 1992 but worked as a Visiting Fellow for several years more. Keith’s interest in the Australian Ceramic Society started in the 1960s with a NSW based body, where Keith assisted in forming a national Australian Ceramic Society in 1970. He served as Federal President from 1974 to 1976, and then as Federal Secretary for 19 years. I took over from him in 1995. In 1981 he was awarded Distinguished Honorary Life Membership of the Society. The Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society was launched in 1965, and Keith was its Editor from 1965 to 1985. OBITUARY![]()
A shining star in the materials world has faded away. Prof. Zhijian Shen, a WAC academician elected in 2017, passed away on May 2nd, 2021 in Stockholm, Sweden, at the age of 59.
Born in 1961 in Wuxi, China, Prof. Shen graduated from Wuhan University of Technology in 1982 for his bachelor's degree and in 1985 for his master's degree respectively, where he became one of the pioneers in China working on X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). He started his 30-year journey with zirconia in Zhejiang University, China, where he obtained his PhD degree in 1990 under the supervision of Prof. Zishang Ding. In 1993, he moved to the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden as a researcher working along with Prof. Thommy Ekström and Prof. Mats Nygren. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1999 and Full Professor in 2007.
Prof. Shen's main research focus was the mechanism of nonequilibrium rapid sintering of ceramics, covering a wide range of ceramics in terms of composition and function. Major contributions include: a) the theory of dynamic ripening, which is regarded as a "fundamental step forward" in Sialon ceramics (Nature, 2002, 417(6886), 266), b) "ordered coalescence", where self-assembly of nanocrystallites along preferred directions would dominate rather than atomic diffusion for grain growth, and c) sintering under intense thermal radiation (SITR), which reveals that sintering of nanoceramics can be accomplished within minutes by intense thermal radiation only. During his career, he published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and contributed to several monographs and book chapters as well as countless invited talks in workshops and conferences.
Inspired by Prof. Matts Andersson, inventor of the Procera dental ceramics system, Prof. Shen dedicated most of his career to the pursuit of better zirconia ceramics for dental restoration. The final precious gift, "self-glazed zirconia", enables the production of monolithic zirconia restorations ready for final clinical operation by industrial digital manufacturing directly, without any traditional handcraft work on the milled restoration. As a result, a full-digital workflow is on the horizon that could significantly promote the performance of zirconia in dentistry and overall efficiency of the whole restoration process.
Prof. Shen is widely recognized as a kind, active and warm-hearted friend in our ceramic community. He was the initiator of the series of International Workshops on Advanced Ceramics and Technologies for Dentistry (ACT4D) in 2011, a previous editorial board member of JECS, and a bridge in the field of materials science between China and Europe. May he rest in peace. We will all miss those brilliant ideas and generous help from him along with his iconic smile.
Dr. Keizo Uematsu, an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics and a Professor Emeritus of Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan, passed away on Tuesday, October 20, 2020.
He obtained a master's degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan in 1971 under supervision of Professor Wazo Komatsu, and then studied on ceramics at Department of Materials Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, supervised by Professors H. K. Bowen, R. L. Coble, and W. D. Kingery. After he received a Ph.D. from MIT in 1976 with a thesis entitled "Grain Boundary Segregation in the Li2O-NiO System", he joined Tokyo Institute of Technology as an assistant professor of department of inorganic materials and conducted research with Professor Masanori Kato. He was promoted to an associate professor at Nagaoka University of Technology in 1985 and became a full professor in 1991. He retired in 2012, but as a professor emeritus he remained an active researcher, lecturer and educator.
He energetically conducted education and research in the fields of materials science and chemical engineering. He supervised more than 100 MS and 20 Ph.D students. He made remarkable research achievements particularly in developing new evaluation methods of ceramic manufacturing process and elucidating causes of critical problems thereof. Some of the evaluation methods he had developed were standardized by ISO and significantly contributed to development of ceramics industry. These achievements are summarized in more than 20 books and about 300 articles. He became a Fellow of The American Ceramic Society in 2004 and a WAC Academician in 2007 and received numerous awards from academic societies and industrial associations of Japan. In addition, he was the chair of the Ceramic Standards Committee of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee and the representative of ISO/TC201 Advisory Group on Planning Japan for a long time, and received the Minister Award of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japanese government for his outstanding contribution to this field.
He always emphasized and actually demonstrated that "Ceramics manufacturing seems to be complicated and mysterious because there are many unexplained parts, but the mechanism is simple and clear, and if you enjoy solving the mystery one by one and clarify it, it will become science." And, he said "It is important to work hard, but sometimes laziness and luckiness are also essential. And it's important to be honest and do the experiments yourself".
Professor Keizo Uematsu remains in our memory as a sociable person with an open and international spirit.
18th Election to WACThe election procedures of the 18th Election to the World Academy of Ceramics have been recently completed. The following 15 new Academicians have been approved by the Council on August 9, 2019 on proposal of the International Advisory Board following the screening procedures of the Nomination Committee: CLASS "SCIENCE"Singapore ![]() USA ![]() USA ![]() Germany ![]() Germany ![]() USA ![]() USA ![]() Japan Russia ![]() USA ![]() Spain ![]() UK Japan CLASS "INDUSTRY & INNOVATION"![]() Japan ![]() USA The new Academicians will be presented and awarded with the WAC Diploma during the Inaugural Session of the 15th International Ceramics Congress of CIMTEC 2022, to be held in Perugia, Italy, on June 21, 2022. WAC PRIZE 2020Prof. Ralf Riedel from Darmstadt University, Germany, Prof. Michel Barsoum and Prof. Yuri Gogotsi from Drexel University, are the recipients of the PRIZE 2020 of the World Academy of Ceramics. The new prize Laureates have been approved during the WAC Council meeting of August 9, 2019 on proposal of the International Advisory Board, following the recommendations of the Prize 2020 Committee. WAC "Prize 2020" will be awarded during the Inaugural Session of the 15th International Ceramics Congress of CIMTEC 2022, to be held in Perugia, Italy, on June 21, 2022. ![]() Ralf Riedel, Germany ![]() Michel Barsoum, USA ![]() Yuri Gogotsi, USA OBITUARY![]()
Prof. Somiya, WAC Academician since 1989 has passed away on August 8, 2018. He was famous in the studies of "Hydrothermal reactions for ceramics". He was a happy person surrounded by very strong back-up persons: his father Takayuki Somiya, step-father Uichi Hashimoto, supervisors Profs. Toshiyoshi Yamanouchi, and Shinroku Saito, who were the president of Tokyo Inst. Tech. During his graduate course, he was at the Pennsylvania State University, under Professors E.F. Osborn and Arnulf Muan. His subject of study was in the phase equilibria in mostly Fe2O3-Cr2O3-MgO systems.
After returning to TIT in 1959, as a Research Associate of the Research Laboratory of Engineering Materials, his research area expanded over other refractories including Si3N4, ZrO2, ZrSiO4, MgO-B2O3 and high oxygen pressure works in Cr-O2 system. He promoted to Assistant/Associate Professor in 1966, then started his study on Hydrothermal Reactions with advices of Prof. Rustum Roy, a senior friend from Penn State. His hydrothermal reaction studies developed extensively with Dr. Shin-ichi Hirano from Nagoya University as a research associate then became Assistant/Associate Professor after Prof. Somiya was promoted to full professor in 1974. Thus, Prof. Sõmiya had world-wide net-works including Sintering persons, particularly with Prof. Guenter Petzow of Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart, Germany. Based upon these fantastic results,"Research Laboratory of Hydrothermal Synthesis" built in 1976 which was one of world largest laboratories for Hydrothermal Reactions. The author joint with Prof. Somiya in 1978 as an assistant/associate professor after Prof. Hirano who left to Nagoya Univ., where he became the President later. During the 1980s it was decided to develop "Hydrothermal Ceramics". Following several years after Yoshimura's promotion to full Prof in 1985, their joint publications included: a)peer-reviewed articles 193, b) other papers:34, c) Reviews: 25,and d) books : 21. They include several highly cited papers. According to those great success, a new Lab named "Research Laboratory for New Ceramics Materials" was established in 1984 under Prof. Somiya's direction till 1988. He was an Emeritus Professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology and an Emeritus Professor of Teikyo University of Science and Technology. Prof. Somiya had eagerly organized International Meetings and Societies: He was a cofounder of MRS-Japan (1990) and IUMRS (1991) with Prof. Masao Doyama. The prestigious Sõmiya Award is named in honor of him. He organized 20 International Meetings related on Ceramics & Hydro-Thermals. He got so many awards, they include 1) Iron Cross Award of Germany, 2) Purple Ribon Japan (1995),3) Distinguish Life Membership from the American Ceramics Society (1996), 4) Japan National Academy Award (1999), 5) MRS 2011 Medal, USA., etc. OBITUARY![]()
We are deeply saddened to announce that WAC Academician, Dr Eric "Lou" Vance, ANSTO, has passed away suddenly.
His career at ANSTO began first in 1968 when he undertook neutron diffraction studies of metal alloys and oxides at the then Australian Atomic Energy Commission. After spending time at University College London, Pennsylvania State University and the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited where he studied nuclear wasteform science, he brought all his knowledge and experience back to ANSTO to contribute to the development of the Synroc Technology. In 1987 he was made a senior research scientist at ANSTO and then progressed to more senior roles including ‘Chief Research Scientist' in 2001 where he had continued his work on the Synroc Technology. As a member of the Synroc Wasteform Team, Lou led research into the technology and its commercialisation prospects. Lou was known to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the innovative wasteform technology that he had acquired over more than 30 years. During the 1990s Lou played a significant role in the Plutonium Immobilisation Project for the US, in which Synroc was chosen over the more mature glass technology. His technical expertise and advocacy for Synroc over the years has really been a force that has driven its successful dvancement. In more recent times, Lou was the architect for the Synroc wasteform to be used in the new SyMo waste treatment facility at ANSTO. This role involved creating a tailored, flexible and robust wasteform for ANSTO's molybdenum-99 waste. Lou jointly shared the ANSTO CEO Award for a Sustained Contribution in 2018 with the late Dr Mark Reinhard. Lou's influence and contribution to ANSTO will continue long into the future as his wasteform product will be produced by the SyMo Facility for the next 40 years. Lou authored nearly 400 articles in international journals/refereed conference proceedings and was the co-author of 3 patents relating to Synroc. In demand as an invited speaker, he usually attended two to three international conferences a year to showcase the Synroc technology. His many affiliations included Fellow, Australian Institute of Physics (1987); Fellow, American Ceramic Society (2003); Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2003); Fellow, Australian Ceramic Society (2008); Academician, World Academy of Ceramics (2008); long-time member of Materials Research Society; Member, Australian Nuclear Association; Co-editor of the Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society since 2002; Advisory Editorial Board member, Journal Nuclear Materials; Associate Editor, Journal American Ceramic Society; and international Advisory Board member of the Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (2012). OBITUARY![]()
WAC Academician Dick Bradt, age 80, passed away on January 3, 2019 at the UAB Hospital in Birmingham.
Dick, the son of the late Clarence and Ethel Reinhardt Bradt, was born in St. Louis, Missouri and grew up in nearby Mascoutah, Illinois. After receiving his B.S. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, he obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. After being on the faculty at the Pennsylvania State University, University of Washington in Seattle, and the University of Nevada-Reno, Dick joined the faculty at the University of Alabama College of Engineering in 1994 as head of the department of metallurgical and materials engineering. In 2004, he was named the Alton N. Scott Professor of Engineering. He retired in 2009, but as Professor Emeritus he has remained an active researcher, speaker and educator. His research focused on the properties of refractories, glass and ceramics. With students and colleagues from all over the world, he published more than 400 articles and edited more than 20 proceedings of international meetings. Dick advised more than 100 graduate students and directed 50 doctoral dissertations. In 2013, he received the W.D. Kingery Award of the American Ceramic Society, its highest technical honor, and Distinguished Life Membership in 2017. He was especially pleased to be awarded the University of Alabama Burnum Distinguished Faculty Award in 1998. Dick was an avid sports fan and mineral collector as well as amateur horticulturist, growing many trees from seeds. Additionally, he was a member of Rotary for over 30 years. OBITUARY![]()
Professor Inna Borovinskaya, an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, passed away on June 10, 2018.
She was a scientific leader and talented manager in the field of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of materials (SHS); an author of almost 500 scientific publications, developer of more than 100 patents, and co-discoverer of the "Solid Flame" phenomenon. Her research was focused on oxygen-free ceramic materials, including silicon and boron nitrides, borides and nitrides of transition metals, and ceramic-metal composites. Inna Borovinskaya made prominent contributions to the development of the technological base for SHS as well as founding the Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISMAN). For a long time, she headed SHS Research Center of ISMAN. Together with Alexander Merzhanov, she received the "Prize 2008" from the World Academy of Ceramics for "Basic Research", which recognized their outstanding contribution to the fundamentals of SHS science and subsequent studies of its use for novel materials. Inna P. Borovinskaya was an Honorary Professor at Wuhan Technological University (P.R.China), she worked hard to establish new international scientific contacts around the world. One of her last works was editing the "Concise Encyclopedia of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis: History, Theory, Technology, and Products" (2017, Elsevier) and writing many key articles for this Encyclopedia. Colleagues and friends will treasure their memory of Inna Borovinskaya.. 17th Election to WACThe election procedures of the 17th Election to the World Academy of Ceramics have been recently completed. The following 20 new Academicians have been approved by the Council on July 20, 2017 on proposal of the International Advisory Board following the screening procedures of the Nomination Committee: CLASS "SCIENCE"![]() Germany ![]() France ![]() Korea ![]() USA ![]() China ![]() Japan ![]() Korea ![]() Korea ![]() USA ![]() USA ![]() Canada ![]() France ![]() USA ![]() Sweden ![]() Russia ![]() Australia ![]() USA ![]() USA CLASS "INDUSTRY & INNOVATION"![]() Korea ![]() China The new Academicians will be presented and awarded with the WAC Diploma during the Inaugural Session of the 14th International Ceramics Congress of CIMTEC 2018, to be held in Perugia, Italy, on June 5, 2018. OBITUARY![]()
Academician Prof. Roman Pampuch has passed away on February 13, 2017.
He was the great scientist, focused on solid state chemistry and materials science, with the great significance in the worldwide ceramic scientific community. He was one of the Founding Members of the World Academy of Ceramics and of the European Ceramic Society. His scientific activity was performed within the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. Former Dean of the Faculty, longstanding Director of the Institute of Advanced Ceramics, Doctor Honoris Causa of AGH University, awarded with the Leo Stujits Award, ECerS Fellowship, the City of Krakow Prize, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He will stay in our memory as brilliant and inspired teacher, author of many excellent books on ceramics, and as an excellent scientist. OBITUARY![]()
Prof. Anthonie Jan Burggraaf passed away on Saturday, February 11, 2017. Ton Burggraaf was a member of the World Academy of Ceramics and honorary member of the Dutch Ceramic Society. He obtained the Leo Stuijts award in 1991 at the second conference of the European Ceramic Society (Augsburg).
The work of Ton Burggraaf covered many aspects of ceramic materials. After obtaining his MSc at the Technical University of Delft (1958), he worked on glass and glass ceramics at Philips Research Laboratory. In 1965 he defended his PhD thesis at the Technical University of Eindhoven: "The mechanical strength of alkali-aluminosilicate glasses after ion exchange". In 1969 he was appointed as professor in Inorganic Materials Science at the University of Twente. He published more than 300 scientific papers, several book chapters and supervised 19 PhD projects in the areas of ferroelectrics, oxygen-ion and mixed conductors, ceramics with special mechanical properties and ceramic membranes. He was one of the "founding fathers" of ceramic membrane technology and because of his pioneering work, ceramic membranes are now regarded as interesting materials in separation processes. The scientific "drive" of Ton Burggraaf can best be summarized by what he said during his Stuijts lecture: "My colleague and friend Leo Stuijts convinced me of the importance of microstructures and consequently of the importance of technological factors. It has influenced my career in a profound way" (JECS, 1992, 245-250). After his retirement in 1994, Ton remained interested in new developments in ceramic research. Just recently, on February 3rd, he attended the open day of the Membrane Science and Technology cluster of the University of Twente, where he was eager to hear the latest results. Ton Burggraaf will stay in our memory as a good friend, a passionate scientist and a social person with an open, international, mind. Slovak Academy of Sciences Honorary Doctorate and Japan Fine Ceramics Award to Dr. Singh![]()
Dr. Mrityunjay Singh (ACerS Past President) received honorary doctorate from Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovakia. This is the highest recognition of the academy and awarded for distinguished contributions. Established in the middle of last century, the academy comprises of 69 institutes and organizations. It also publishes 57 scientific and professional journals and 8 yearbooks.
He has also received "JFCA 30th Anniversary Special Award for Distinguished Contributions" during the 30th Anniversary Celebration of Japan Fine Ceramics Association (JFCA) in Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Singh was recognized for his pioneering and seminal contributions and global leadership in the field of science, engineering, and applications of advanced ceramic and composite materials and technologies.
Keramos Award to Dr. Singh from Krakow, PolandAGH University of Science and Technology awarded Dr. Mrityunjay Singh, President of the American Ceramic Society with prestigious Keramos Award. The award is bestowed on individuals who have made outstanding scientific and technological as well as global contributions. In addition, it also honors and recognizes professionals who are involved in the development of the faculty and its scientific and educational success and achievements. Dr. Singh was recognized during the opening of Polish Ceramics 2016-IX International Scientific and Technological Conference in Krakow on September 12, 2016. OBITUARY![]()
Prof. Yan Dongsheng (Feb 10, 1918 - Sept 18, 2016), academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, honorary director and professor of Shanghai Institute of Ceramics CAS, died on Sept 18, 2016 in hospital in Shanghai. He was 98 years old.
As the founder of the advanced inorganic materiaI science and engineering in China, Yan was one of the most prominent and influential material scientist, strategist and educator. He was awarded the ranking member of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, lifetime member of The American Ceramic Society, academician of New York Academy of Sciences, academician of World Academy of Ceramics and academician of The Third World Academy of Sciences.
In 1950, Yan returned back to China, and since then, he had devoted his whole life to the scientific and technological cause in China. He committed himself to the researches on material science and engineering, and accomplished outstanding achievements in the fields of high-temperature ceramics, ceramic thermodynamics and dynamics, ceramic composites, coating materials, as well as artificial crystals.
Yan's noble morality and devoted spirit won him a worldwide praise and respect. His legacy had a profound effect on the scientific researches of the younger generations. His death is a great loss to the communities of materials research and education.
It is with great sadness that we share the news that Prof Dr Hans Hausner, member of the World Academy of Ceramics and a founder member of the European Ceramic Society, died last August 26th, 2016. He was 89. He left his wife, Marlene, 2 sons, 2 daughters, their husbands and wives, and several grandchildren.
Hans was born in Neustadt an der Waldnaab on May 23rd 1927. He studied chemistry at TU Munich from 1946 to 1951, where he defended his doctorate thesis. He worked in industry from 1954 to 1961, mainly developing electroceramics (especially titanates and ferrites), but also working on fireproof materials in the glass industry. In 1961, his attention turned to nuclear energy ceramics, particularly the behaviour of uranium oxide. He worked initially for Euratom (Brussels), then had 4 years in the General Electric Nuclear Research Lab in California before returning to Europe where he worked again at Euratom, this time in the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy. In 1972, Hans became Professor at the Technical University of Berlin until his retirement in 1994, when he was granted emeritus status. A characteristic of his academic carrier was his continuous willingness to support cooperation between university and industry. Hans played a very important role in Germany as the CEO of the German Ceramic Society (DKG) from 1988 to 2003, contributing to the successful integration of the ceramic industry, science and education of the former East Germany into the DKG. Hans also contributed strongly to cooperation with other countries. He was Germany�s representative for the charter signature at the inaugural meeting of the European Ceramic Society, ECerS, on the 9th September 1987. As the second President of ECerS (1989-1991), he participated in the creation of the International Ceramic Federation (ICF), for whom he was the third President (1993-1995). Hans has been recognised worldwide; he was a member of the World Academy of Ceramics and a Fellow and Distinguished Life Member of the American Ceramic Society. The whole international scientific community will remember this brilliant scientist who has contributed so much to the development of ceramic science and technology. � OBITUARY![]()
We are saddened to learn that World Academy of Ceramics Academician Professor Jos� Arana Varela and CEO of the Technical Board of FAPESP (Sã o Paulo State Research Foundation) since 2012 passed away on May 15, 2016 after a three-year battle with cancer. Varela was Professor of Chemistry in the Institute of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Araraquara (Unesp), Brazil and was the first professor to be named CEO of the Associates Council Administration of FAPESP. He was also a Board member from 2004 to 2010 and its vice president from 2007 to 2010. Varela was president of the Brazilian Society for Research in Materials, founder and director of Unesp Agency of Innovation and coordinator in Innovation Development Center Functional Materials (CDMF), a Center for Research, Innovation and Diffusion (CEPID) of FAPESP.
Born in Martin�polis, Sã o Paulo, on April 11, 1944, he graduated in Physics from
University of Sã o Paulo (USP), with a Masters in Physics from the Technological Institute
Aeronautics (ITA) and a PhD in Materials Science from the University of Washington.
He was a member of the Superior Council for Innovation and Competitiveness of the Federation of Industries of Sã o Paulo State, the Brazilian Physical Society, the State Academy of Sciences Sã o Paulo and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Varela was also a member of the World Academy of Ceramics, the American Ceramic Society, the Board of Trustees of Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation and the Materials Research Society. He received several awards and honors, including the Golden Epsilon Award, the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass � the first non-Spanish to receive the distinction - the Scopus Award Elsevier, for his contributions to science in Brazil, and the Global Star (2013) and the Bridge Building Bridge Awards (2014) from the American Ceramic Society. He was a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society. Varela is an author in the book Engineered Ceramics - current status and future prospects, released in January by the American Ceramic Society during the 40th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites. He was a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Materials Research, Ceramics International, Science of Sintering, and Journal American Ceramic Society.
FAPESP's president, Jos� Goldemberg, lamented the loss not only for FAPESP but for science in Sã o Paulo and Brazil. "Professor Varela was a scientist of very high standards and to have him as chairman of the Technical Board of FAPESP helped the Foundation maintain the highest scientific level and standards".
As a researcher, Varela had great experience in materials science, with emphasis on ceramic materials, and especially in the study of thin films, ferroelectric materials and dielectrics, varistors, boundary properties of grains and sintering. He maintained strong exchanges with research institutions in Spain, France, United States, Slovenia and Italy.
Elson Longo, director of CDMF and professor emeritus at the Federal University of Sã o Carlos said "Varela was responsible for giving support to the research of ceramic materials in Brazil and the development of this area in the country in terms of semiconductors. Our partnership, which yielded at least 500 scientific articles and guidance of more than 80 doctoral and 50 master of science students, amongst many other activities, started more than 60 years ago in high school, so we were partners not only in research but also of life."
Professor Varela leaves his wife Ana Lucia and his daughters Fernanda and Simone. �
Larry L. Hench�inventor of Bioglass and children�s author�dies at age 77
By Gary L. Messing, adapted with permission from ceramics.org, December 18, 2015 by Eileen De Guire It is with great sadness that we share the news that Larry L. Hench, ACerS Distinguished Life Member and Fellow and Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, lost his battle with cancer on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015. He turned 77 in November. What a wonderful life ambassador Larry Hench was for our discipline. He leaves an enormous, gently placed footprint in the world of materials science and medical science. Hench grew up on a farm in the very small town of Tiro, Ohio and went on to have one of the most distinguished careers our field has known. Hench received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in ceramic engineering at Ohio State University in 1961 and 1964, respectively. He joined the University of Florida's Department of Materials Science and Engineering in 1964 as an assistant professor where he was a member of the faculty for 32 years and retired with emeritus status in 1996. On his retirement, he was Graduate Research Professor of Materials Science and Engineering�the highest academic position at the University of Florida, director of the Bioglass Research Center and co-director of the Advanced Materials Research Center. In 1996 he accepted a chaired faculty position at the Imperial College of the University of London as professor of ceramic materials where he co-founded and co-directed the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Center (TERM) for 10 years. Upon retirement from Imperial College, he returned to Florida where he held positions at Florida Institute of Technology and the University of Florida. (See the Florida Institute of Technology website for an extended biography of Hench�s significant scientific achievements, awards, recognitions, and publications.) They say chance favors a prepared mind. Hench likely would disagree and instead say miracles favor a prepared mind. In a 2013�speech in Toledo, Ohio, he described his discovery of the 45S5 Bioglass composition as the result of three miracles�a "chance" conversation with an Army officer in the early 1960s, when wounded soldiers were returning from the Vietnam War; an award of funding by the Army medical branch to him despite his lack of a medical degree; and a fortunate selection of just the right composition in the Na2O�CaO�P2O5�SiO2 phase diagram. However, it was his intellectual persistence in the early years of Bioglass that enabled him to prove that this glass composition responded to bone tissue like no other material, thus leading to the creation of the field of bioactive ceramics. Hench made many and seminal contributions to the field of bioceramics. In 1969 he discovered Bioglass, the first man-made material to bond to living tissues, which is now clinically used throughout the world to repair bones, joints, and teeth. Discoveries made by Hench and his colleagues in the 1980s and 1990s resulted in numerous Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approvals. The FDA approved the use of bioactive glass devices to reconstruct the ossicular chain (part of the middle ear) and restore hearing in the mid-1980s. A subsequent FDA approval led to bioactive glass implants to replace teeth, maintain jaw stability, and repair maxillo-facial bone defects. In the 1990s the FDA approved the use of a particulate form of bioactive glass that led to regenerating new bone to repair bone defects caused by periodontal disease. Numerous other FDA approved applications were in orthopedic surgery, including repair of bone defects following revision surgery of failed hip and knee prostheses, and spinal repair. Twelve companies have been founded based upon technology created in Hench�s laboratories, and the commercial products have led to numerous advanced technology awards.� In addition to his pioneering work in the field of bioceramics, Larry was critical in leading the efforts to find a suitable material for the safe disposal of high-level nuclear waste. In 1976 he became involved with an international effort to find a suitable material that could contain tons of high-level waste and was chairman of the international committee, which, in 1986 agreed upon using a complex borosilicate based glass form to encapsulate that waste. It is also noteworthy that Hench was a pioneer and leader in the development and use of sol gel processing for a wide range of applications. Hench was a founder and past-president of the Society for Biomaterials (1979-80).� He served on and had leadership responsibilities on many committees, and he received SFB's Clemson Award for Basic Research in 1977 and the Founders Award in 1998. He earned many international awards, published 800 research papers, 30 books and has 32 U.S. patents, and was a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE).� He was also a member of the World Academy of Ceramics and a Fellow of numerous professional societies including the American Ceramic Society, Society of Glass Technology, and Institute of Materials. In 2004 he was awarded the International Ceramics Prize of the World Academy of Ceramics in Basic Research, "For the invention of Bioglass and subsequent distinguished scientific contributions resulting in outstanding commercial advances in the field of ceramic and glass biomaterials" He was a Distinguished Life Member of the American Ceramic Society�the Society�s highest award, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Engineering by the Rose Hulman Institute of Technology. In 1998 he received the Von Hippel Award; the most prestigious award of the Materials Research Society. Most recently, he was awarded the highly acclaimed international 2014 Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal Award, which recognizes lifetime excellence in research and development in the field of biomaterials. � Certainly, the scientific challenges of engineering biomaterials appealed to Hench�s intellect and curiosity, but his generosity and humility drove him to use his unique training and talents to improve the human condition. He understood that pushing through boundaries in life sciences required also looking at the ethical and economic ramifications in the changing landscape. He embraced that conversation in books, in presentations such as the 2013 Rustum Roy lecture, and in a short course series he recorded for ACerS. Hench published hundreds of papers, books, and proceedings over his long career. However, the publications he talked about most were his six books for children�about the adventures of a bionic cat named Boing-Boing. His motivation was simple and personal. When his grandchildren were young, Hench grew weary of the typical caricature of scientists as socially awkward brainiacs in children�s books. So, he imagined a story wherein a young boy named Daniel befriends George, the engineering professor who lives next door. Daniel longs for a cat, but allergies prevent his having a pet. George understands the boy�s dilemma and goes to the lab to create a bionic cat, much to Daniel�s delight. As one might expect, this threesome has a number of interesting adventures, all of which are recorded in the books. Larry is survived by his son Alan Hench of Oak Park, Texas, his brother David Hench of Okeechobee Florida, companion Margaret Saudners of Ft Myers, Florida, step children Martin Wilson of Merritt Island, Florida, Sally Erickson of Birmingham, Michigan, Joanna Wilson of Epsom, Great Britain, 14 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Larry was preceded in death by his parents Clarence and Mary Hench, his wives Suzanne Hench and June Wilson-Hench and his son Steven Hench. Hench had a big heart, and he touched many lives through his work as a scientist, health advocate, children�s author, colleague, mentor, and friend. Scientists do not often see directly the impact of their work, but Hench did. He responded with gratitude that his work helped so many people heal and regain health. � 16th Election to WACThe election procedures of the 16th Election to the World Academy of Ceramics have been recently completed. The following 13 new Academicians have been approved by the Council on July 8, 2015 on proposal of the International Advisory Board following the screening procedures of the Nomination Committee: CLASS "SCIENCE"![]() USA ![]() Germany ![]() USA ![]() Japan ![]() USA ![]() Japan ![]() France ![]() UK ![]() China ![]() USA ![]() Canada CLASS "INDUSTRY & INNOVATION"![]() Japan ![]() Japan The new Academicians will be presented and awarded with the WAC Diploma during the Opening Ceremony of the FORUM 2016 of the World Academy of Ceramics that will be held in Italy, on June 14-17, 2016. WAC "Prize 2016" LaureatesProf. Peter Greil, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany, and Prof. Kenji Uchino, The Pennsylvania State University, USA, are the recipients of the "PRIZE 2016" of the World Academy of Ceramics. The new prize Laureates have been approved during the WAC Council meeting of July 8, 2015 on proposal of the International Advisory Board, following the recommendations of the Prize 2016 Committee. WAC "Prize 2016" will be awarded during the Opening Ceremony of FORUM 2016 of the World Academy of Ceramics that will be held in Italy, on June 14-17, 2016. ![]() Germany ![]() USA Alpha Sigma Mu Distinguished Life Member Award to Dr. Singh![]()
WAC Member Dr. Mrityunjay Singh, Chief Scientist, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH and President-Elect of the American Ceramic Society has received
Distinguished Life Member Award of Alpha Sigma Mu-The International Professional Honor Society for Materials Science and Engineering. He has received this
honor in recognition of his pioneering and seminal contributions, mentoring, and global leadership in the field of science, engineering, and applications of
advanced materials and technologies for aerospace and energy systems.
Distinguished Life Member award is Alpha Sigma Mu�s highest honor (www.alphasigmamu.org) and granted to a person who has served the materials community and/or Alpha Sigma Mu over a long career and has established an international recognition for his/her service. This award is conferred upon those select few whose technical attainment and contributions to society through leadership in the field of materials science and engineering have resulted in significant benefits to humankind. This award also acknowledges Dr. Singh�s distinguished career. A member of the Board of Governors of Acta Materialia, Inc., he is an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, Italy and current serves as Vice President of WAC international advisory board. He is a Fellow of American Ceramic Society, ASM International, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is the recipient of more than 55 national and international awards, including four R&D 100 awards, FLC Technology Transfer Award, NASA Public Service Medal, NASA Silver Snoopy Award, Ishikawa International Carbon Prize, Japan Fine Ceramics Association International Prize and Gottfried Wagner Memorial Award from Japan, Sir Richard Brook International Award from European Ceramic Society, Jacques-Lucas Award from ASM International, ACerS� John Jeppson Award, President Award, Richard M. Fulrath, Samuel Geijsbeek, and James I. Mueller Awards. He has edited/co-edited fifty books and journal volumes, authored/co-authored ten book chapters, and more than two hundred seventy papers in journals and proceedings. He currently serves on the advisory boards and committees of more than a dozen highly respected international journals and technical publications. 15th Election to WACOn the occasion of the Inaugural Session of the 13th International Ceramics Congress of CIMTEC 2014, on June 9, the induction of the new members (15th Election) to the World Academy of Ceramics took place. CLASS "SCIENCE"![]() Lennart Bergstrom, Sweden ![]() Bruce Dunn, USA ![]() Monica Ferraris, Italy ![]() José M.F. Ferreira, Portugal ![]() Yuichi Ikuhara, Japan ![]() Setsuro Ito, Japan ![]() Heli Maarit Jantunen, Finland ![]() Jennifer A. Lewis, USA ![]() Reginaldo Muccillo, Brazil ![]() Subhash H. Risbud, USA ![]() Mikolaj Szafran, Poland ![]() Masasuke Takata, Japan ![]() Ramon Torrecillas, Spain ![]() Min Wang, China CLASS "INDUSTRY & INNOVATION"![]() Shaoming Dong, China ![]() Sylvia M. Johnson, USA ![]() George G. Wicks, USA Singh to receive Toledo Glass and Ceramic Award at April 17 event![]()
The Michigan/Northwest Ohio Section of The American Ceramic Society will give its 2014 Toledo Glass and Ceramic Award to Academician Mrityunjay (Jay) Singh on April 17, 2014. Singh says of the honor, "It is a quite humbling experience to be considered for this prestigious award, which has a very rich history and tradition."
The award does, indeed, have a rich history. Founded in 1956, it boasts a list of previous honorees that is a veritable "Who�s Who" in the glass and ceramics world, as well as in the Society. Among the distinguished luminaries that have preceded Singh to the lecture podium: Larry Hench, Katherine Faber, Delbert Day, Prabhat Gupta, and Alfred Cooper, along with many others.
The award will be given at a dinner meeting on Thursday, April 17, 2014, at the Toledo Club in Toledo, Ohio. Singh will provide remarks on "Human Space Exploration: Risks and Challenges."
Singh, chief scientist at the Ohio Aerospace Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, is an ACerS Fellow, director, and president-elect nominee of the Board of ACerS. Singh�s research interests include advanced ceramics and composites, ceramic integration technologies, green and sustainable materials and manufacturing, thermal management materials and technologies for gas turbines and thermal protection systems, power generation, aerospace systems, and space exploration and transportation systems.
Distinguished Alumnus and HTCMC International Achievement Awards to Dr. SinghAcademician Mrityunjay Singh, Chief Scientist, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH, has been awarded Distinguished Alumnus Award from Indian Institute of Technology-BHU, Varanasi. He had previously received Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Metallurgy Department of IIT-BHU in 2004. In addition, he has also received HTCMC International Achievement Award of his contributions in the field of high temperature ceramic matrix composites. Dr. Singh was recognized for his pioneering and seminal contributions and global leadership in the field of science, engineering, and applications of advanced ceramic and composite materials and technologies.CAS Einstein Professorship, Honorary Doctorate, and Honorary Fellowship Awarded to Dr. Singh![]()
Academician Mrityunjay Singh, Chief Scientist, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, OH and Director of the Board of ACerS, has received three major international awards recently. He has received these honors in recognition of his pioneering and seminal contributions and global leadership in the field of science, engineering, and applications of advanced ceramic and composite materials and technologies.
He received prestigious Einstein Professorship Award from Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Each year Einstein Professorships are awarded to twenty distinguished international scientists and talented leaders actively working at the frontiers of science and technology in every scientific field around the world. He has received Honorary Doctorate from Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT), Japan. This is most prestigious award bestowed by the university. Dr. Singh also serves as Special Advisor to NUT. In addition, Dr. Singh has also been awarded Honorary Fellowship of Indian Institute of Ceramics. Established in 1973, Indian Institute of Ceramics (IICERAM) is a society of professionals engaged in the diverse activities relating to Ceramics. These awards also acknowledge Dr. Singh�s distinguished career. A member of the Board of Governors of Acta Materialia, Inc., he is an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, Italy and Fellow of American Ceramic Society, ASM International, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is the recipient of more than 55 national and international awards, including four R&D 100 awards, FLC Technology Transfer Award, NASA Public Service Medal, NASA Silver Snoopy Award, Ishikawa International Carbon Prize, Japan Fine Ceramics Association International Prize and Gottfried Wagner Memorial Award from Japan, Sir Richard Brook International Award from European Ceramic Society, Jacques-Lucas Award from ASM International, ACerS� John Jeppson Award, President Award, Richard M. Fulrath, Samuel Geijsbeek, and James I. Mueller Awards. He has edited/co-edited fifty books and journal volumes, authored/co-authored ten book chapters, and more than two hundred seventy five papers in journals and proceedings. He currently serves on the advisory boards and committees of more than a dozen highly respected international journals and technical publications. Dr. Tastuki Ohji received the title of Fellow from ASM International![]()
Dr. Tastuki Ohji, a Prime Senior Research Scientist of AIST, was given the title of Fellow from ASM International, in recognition of his distinguished contributions to materials science and engineering. The citation reads "For the in-depth investigation of mechanical and functional properties of advanced ceramics, ceramic composites, and porous materials and their microstructures, and the development of new and novel advanced ceramic materials."
Academician of the World Academy and Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, Dr. Ohji�s research interests include mechanical property characterization of ceramics, ceramic composites and porous materials, microstructural design of ceramic materials for better performance, and green manufacturing of ceramic components. He has authored or coauthored more than 330 peer-reviewed papers and 12 book chapters, edited 30 books and conference volumes, chaired or co-chaired more than 20 international conferences and symposia, and holds more than 40 patents. He serves as a Governor of Acta Materialia, Inc., and on the editorial boards of many international journals. WAC "Prize 2012" Laureates![]() Sossina M. Haile, USA ![]() Morinobu Endo, Japan
Sossina M. Haile, California Institute of Technology, USA, and Morinobu Endo, Shinshu University, Japan, are the recipients of the Prize 2012 of the World Academy of Ceramics.
The Prize Laureates have been approved during the WAC Council Meeting of July 29, 2011, on proposal of the International Advisory Board, following the screening of a number of candidatures by the Prize Committee. Both the Prizes have been assigned for the Class "Research & Innovation". The Prize to Sossina M. Haile is "For the outstanding contribution opening new horizons in electrochemical ceramic research as well as for the success in fabricating and demonstrating innovative solid electrolyte fuel cells based on these achievements". The Prize to Morinobu Endo is "For the outstanding contribution opening new horizons in materials research, specifically the achievements in growing carbon nanofibers and discovery of carbon nanotubes resulting in important advances in basic science and technological applications". WAC "Prize 2012" was awarded during the Opening Ceremony of FORUM 2012 (Perugia, Italy, June 30-July 3, 2012) of the World Academy of Ceramics. 14th Election to WACThe procedures for the 14th Election to the World Academy of Ceramics have been recently completed. The following 21 new Ademicians have been approved by the Council on July 29, 2011 on proposal of the International Advisory Board following the screening procedures of the Nomination Committee: CLASS "SCIENCE"![]() Rajendra K. Bordia, USA ![]() Jan Dusza, Slovak Republic ![]() Gilbert Fantozzi, France ![]() Lisa C. Klein, USA ![]() Walter Krenkel, Germany ![]() Brian R. Lawn, USA ![]() Edson Roberto Leite, Brazil ![]() Anne L. Leriche, France ![]() Hasan Mandal, Turkey ![]() Lalit Mohan Manocha, India ![]() Sanjay Mathur, Germany ![]() Philippe Miele, France ![]() Makio Naito, Japan ![]() Richard E. Riman, USA ![]() Wei-Hsing Tuan, Taiwan ![]() Fumihiro Wakai, Japan ![]() Kimihiro Yamashita, Japan ![]() Yu Zhou, China CLASS "INDUSTRY & INNOVATION"![]() Hai-Doo Kim, Korea ![]() Dileep Singh, USA ![]() Giorgio Timellini, Italy The new Academicians have been awarded with the WAC Diploma during the Opening Ceremony of the FORUM 2012 (Perugia, Italy, June 30-July 3, 2012). Dr. Mrityunjay Singh Selected to Receive the American Ceramic Society�s John Jeppson Award![]()
Academician Mrityunjay (Jay) Singh, Chief Scientist for Ohio Aerospace Institute, has been selected to receive the American Ceramic Society's John Jeppson Award. Dr. Singh was selected for this honor in recognition for his pioneering and seminal contributions and global leadership in the field of science, engineering, and applications of advanced ceramic and composite materials and technologies.
The John Jeppson Award, originated in 1958, is one of the most prestigious awards bestowed by the American Ceramic Society, recognizing distinguished scientific, technical, or engineering achievements in ceramics. John Jeppson was instrumental in establishing the Norton Company (Saint Gobain Industrial Ceramics). His ceramic experience in forming and firing were major factors in producing some of the first ceramic grinding wheels. Mr. Jeppson's work formed the basis for the subsequent growth of an important segment of the ceramic industry. The first recipient of this award in 1958 was Professor W.D. Kingery followed by many famous and accomplished ceramists from all over the world. The John Jeppson Award will be presented to Dr. Singh at the ACerS 113th Annual Meeting�s Honors and Awards Banquet during MS&T�11 on Monday, October 17, 2011 in Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Singh Awarded Prestigious AAAS Fellowship![]()
Academician M. Singh, Chief Scientist, Ohio Aerospace Institute, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, USA, has received Fellowship from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Each year the AAAS council elects members whose "efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished".�The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world's largest scientific society and the honor of Fellow of AAAS began in 1874. Dr. Singh was honored for his pioneering and seminal contributions and global leadership in the field of science, engineering, and applications of advanced ceramic and composite materials and technologies. ��
Dr. Singh is a member of the Board of Governors of Acta Materialia, Inc. and Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics, Italy. He is Fellow of American Ceramic Society, ASM International, and the Institute of Mining, Minerals and Materials (UK). He is the recipient of more than 40 national and international awards, including four R&D 100 awards, FLC Technology Transfer Award, NASA Public Service Medal, NASA Silver Snoopy Award, Ishikawa International Carbon Prize, Japan Fine Ceramics Association International Prize and Gottfried Wagner Memorial Award from Japan, International Award from the European Ceramic Society, Jacques-Lucas Award from ASM International, ACerS� President Award, Richard M. Fulrath, Samuel Geijsbeek, and James I. Mueller Awards. He has edited/co-edited 42 books and journal volumes, nine book chapters, published more than two hundred 235 papers in journals and proceedings. He currently serves on the advisory boards and committees of more than a dozen highly respected international journals and technical publications.
13th Election to WACThe procedures for the 13th Election to the World Academy of Ceramics have been recently completed. The following fourteen new Ademicians have been approved by the Council on July 23, 2009 on proposal of the International Advisory Board following the screening procedures of the Nomination Committee: CLASS "SCIENCE"![]() S. Best, UK ![]() K. Byrappa, India ![]() Takashi Goto, Japan ![]() Jow-Lay Huang, Taiwan ![]() E. Ivers-Tiff�e, Germany ![]() H.-J. Kleebe, Germany ![]() G.D. Quinn, USA ![]() A. Safari, USA ![]() Yoshio Sakka, Japan ![]() S.M. Wiederhorn, USA ![]() Han-Ill Yoo, Korea ![]() Yanchun Zhou, China CLASS "INDUSTRY & INNOVATION"![]() T. Ishikawa, Japan ![]() A. Michaelis, Germany The new Academicians will be presented and awarded with the WAC Diploma during the Opening Ceremony of the 12th International Ceramics Congress of CIMTEC 2010 (Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 6-11, 2010). Jay Singh Elected to IISS![]()
WAC Academician Mrityunjay "Jay" Singh, Chief Scientist, Ohio Aerospace Institute, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH has been elected a full member of the International Institute for the Science of Sintering (IISS), Belgrade, Serbia. Established in 1968, IISS is an independent organization founded to promote achievements in the field of sintering along with related areas of materials science and technology. The institute also publishes the international journal "Science of Sintering". Dr. Singh has also been appointed as regional (North American) editor of this journal.
Generally, the election of new members to the institute starts with the position of corresponding member before promotion to full membership. However, Dr. Singh was elected as full member due to his extraordinary contributions to various areas related to advanced processing and manufacturing as well as joining and integration of advanced ceramics and composites, metal-ceramic systems, and environment conscious ceramics. Currently, the organization has only about 65 full members elected from all over the world. The formal induction of new IISS members will take place during the opening ceremony of the next World Round Table Conference on Sintering in 2010. American Ceramic Society Recognizes WAC Academician